Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's a Bird, It's a Plane... no it's.....

Have you ever wished for a Super Power?  You know, a special power that you have that can make you do things a regular person can't do.  I've always wanted to be invisible. There is something awesome about being able to be places without anyone knowing you are there.  If I had the ability to make myself be unseen, I would be able to listen to conversations between friends; I would be able to hear their deepest, darkest secrets!  But more importantly, I would use my super power to help people.  With my invisibility power I would try to solve crimes, help fight terrorism, and even rescue people from dangerous situations. My super hero name would be Rose MYSTERIOUSO! What super power would you want?  What would you name yourself?

Super Power (noun) - a special ability that a regular person would not have
invisible (adjective) - to be unseen/ to disappear
ability (noun) - to be able to do something
conversations (noun) - a talk between two people
secrets (noun) -  hidden information
terrorism (noun) - the use of violent acts to hurt/scare people
rescue (verb) - to save someone/something
dangerous (adjective) - likely to cause harm/pain

Vocabulary Activity
Unscramble the vocabulary words below:

1. tybliai 
2. dougernsa 
3. acnsneovisrot 
4.  reuewppossr 
5. emrtrrsoi 
6. resecst 
7. inlisvieb 
8. euresc 

Grammar Point
Punctuation symbols are the marks that we use at the end of sentences (comma, period, question mark) to make it clear to reader that a sentence and/or clause has ended. 

Grammar Exercise
In my blog entry I used many different punctuation marks.  Go through the paragraph and circle all the punctation that I used.  Then I want you to write a paragraph anwering my super power questions, include 4 different punctuation marks in your writing.

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